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Are affected by the minimum autonomy in territories modifier, but most of these maluses (penalties to manpower, etc) can be partially offset by Trade Company Investments.Are territories, so their minimum autonomy is set to 90%.Provinces in a trade company are subject to the following modifiers (additive as usual): Note that moving your capital to a subcontinent where you have provinces in a trade company removes them from that trade company and applies this modifier. Removing a province from a trade company gives the "Left Trade Company" modifier for 5 years, preventing it from being added back during its duration as well as giving a −200% local goods produced modifier and removing any purchased investments in that province. To be eligible, a province must not be part of a state, and any province that becomes part of a state will suffer automatic removal from the trade company. To start a trade company, you can add all your eligible provinces in the node at once in the trade node UI, or one by one in the province UI. They are listed in the subject nation panel in the UI, but, unlike the English East India Company or Dutch VOC in real history, they do not actually have their own armies or administration – the land remains entirely under the nation's direct control.Įach trade company region is associated with a trade node, and contains exactly those provinces that are part of that trade node (except Pacific Charter, which corresponds to Polynesian Triangle but excludes New Zealand).

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Trade companies may be formed by any nation in any of the 63 trade company regions throughout the old world, provided they are not on the same superregion (hence not on the same subcontinent) as the nation's capital and the province is not part of the HRE. Available only with the Wealth of Nations DLC or the Dharma DLC enabled.Ī trade company is a collection of provinces in a trade company region that give the owner less tax, manpower, and sailors, but more trade power, trade goods (including production income) and naval force limit, than if the owner included them in states.

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