Super mario bros 3 world 7 fortress 1
Super mario bros 3 world 7 fortress 1

super mario bros 3 world 7 fortress 1 super mario bros 3 world 7 fortress 1

To continue upward, the player needs to take the Warp Pipe on the left, as taking the Warp Pipe on the right will send the player back downward. Here, if the player manages to jump around the ? Blocks or fly up using a Super Leaf or similar power-up, they can find a 1-Up Mushroom in a Hidden Block. The player then has to avoid Piranha Plants as they try to enter the next hanging pipe, which will take the player upward and to the right.

super mario bros 3 world 7 fortress 1

The player will appear at the bottom of the level and has to jump up some narrow platforms to reach one of two hanging Warp Pipes leading upward. The player starts in an outside area, with the door to the right leading into the actual level. Unlike most other levels, this level has the player climb up vertical platforms and the player can "wrap" around the stage, meaning if they move of the left side, they will appear on the right and vice versa.

Super mario bros 3 world 7 fortress 1